
Tutorial de como doblar los Ensambles en Vídeo

Tutorial on how to fold the Ensambles in Video

How to Fold Assemblies / guide for bends Now you can access our new “bending disassembled assemblies” material. A video tutorial that will guide you in the coolest way to...

Tutorial on how to fold the Ensambles in Video

How to Fold Assemblies / guide for bends Now you can access our new “bending disassembled assemblies” material. A video tutorial that will guide you in the coolest way to...

Tutorial armado serie I Need your Skull

I Need your Skull series assembly tutorial

Skull figure assembly tutorial Assembly tutorial for the I Need your Skull figure from Proyecto Ensamble. In the following image you will find a tutorial diagram on how to assemble...

I Need your Skull series assembly tutorial

Skull figure assembly tutorial Assembly tutorial for the I Need your Skull figure from Proyecto Ensamble. In the following image you will find a tutorial diagram on how to assemble...

Como tener un móvil impreso en serigrafía y ser el más fantástico del país

How to have a screen printed movile and be the ...

In yesterday's and today's installments of Proyecto Ensamble: How to have a screen-printed mobile phone and be the most fantastic one in the country. We have noticed the lack of...

How to have a screen printed movile and be the ...

In yesterday's and today's installments of Proyecto Ensamble: How to have a screen-printed mobile phone and be the most fantastic one in the country. We have noticed the lack of...

Como Armar los Ensambles de Proyecto Ensamble

How to Assemblie the Proyecto Ensamble figures

For all those who have asked for it. Here I leave the explanatory sheet. With the techniques that we will describe below, you will become an ASTRO! to assemble assemblies....

How to Assemblie the Proyecto Ensamble figures

For all those who have asked for it. Here I leave the explanatory sheet. With the techniques that we will describe below, you will become an ASTRO! to assemble assemblies....