Gatos de Papel, Lanzamiento Serie Gentleman Cat 2023

Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023

Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 maggie chiang
Maggie Chiang
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 semangad
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 artichokat
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 roman klonek
Roman Klonek
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 devforst
Devin Forst
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 toshi
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 jko sanchez
Jko Sánchez
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 terror
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 xilango
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 adolfo strap
Adolfo Correa
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 dagdraw
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 I am ship
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 birdaz
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 cristian bastias
Cristian Bastias
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023 shake blushie bloom
Shake Blushie Bloom
Gentleman Cat 2023
Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023

Once in a while we, Proyecto Ensamble, bring enjoyment and inspiration to many admirers, collectors and consumers of art. All this through our interactive exhibitions and publications that stand out for their iconic design, designed to encourage creativity and disseminate the work of the best creatives.

The Gentleman Cat template was put on stage during 2020, is the proposal for the new publication, which is part of the iconic series of exhibitions and line of limited editions of masks and paper toys, which highlight the new work of the creatives summoned to intervene in the templates designed by Proyecto Ensamble.

The concepts behind the Gentleman Cat series are the courage, courage and power that the totemic figure of cats represents. Felines are also associated with the sun, and vitality in some cultures (cougars and jaguars from Latin America).
Likewise, this totem is intuition, psychic powers, and creative inclinations. It is also capable of neutralizing darkness, and being a guide on our path to self-realization. Therefore we wanted to crystallize this spiritual, physical and energetic force so that it accompanies you on your journey, at least for a while.

Guest Cats

For this edition we made an open call during 2020 plus a series of invitations that were extended to several artists who we felt were aligned with the new proposal. As a result of this compilation work we obtained 33 collaborations, which we will soon be able to post here so you can see them, of which 16 were curated to edit and publish. I have to highlight that here there are 2 of us who do everything, between curating, marketing and press, administration and accounting, we are winery technicians, studio directors, salespeople, we ourselves do social networks, we are designers, web developers, writers, archivists, and photographers, a 3-year job that we make available to you starting today.

The artists who were eventually printed for the series are Maggie Chiang (USA) , Semangad (CHI) , Artichokat (CHI) , Roman Klonek (DEU) , Devin Forst (USA) , Toshi (BOL) , Jko Sánchez (CHI) , Terror (ARG) , Xilango (MEX) ,
Adolfo Correa (CHI) , Dagdraw (CHI) , YoSoyBuque (MEX) , Birdaz (GTM) , Cristian Bastias (CHI) , Shake Blushie Bloom (PER) and the mask design by the talented Peruvian designer Zarella Solis

As always, we thank all the talented artists who have been willing to collaborate with us. It has been a pleasure to work with you and you have been a fundamental pillar in keeping our project going, we love you <3

Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023

Paper Cats, Gentleman Cat Series Launch 2023

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