Tutorial de como doblar los Ensambles en Vídeo

Tutorial on how to fold the Ensambles in Video

How to Fold Assemblies / guide for bends

Now you can access our new “bending disassembled assemblies” material. A video tutorial that will guide you in the coolest way to bend assemblies, which is an art that will turn you into a star.
You can access our video over and over again from our super “tutorials” section.

In this video tutorial you can see one of the ways to fold Assemblies. You should keep in mind that the folds you see in the video are guided through pleats, so if you try to fold these pieces without the pleats, it won't be as smooth.
The important thing to keep in mind is that there are at least 4 pleats that fold to the other side, this is the key to getting an effective guide to assemble the shape on itself.

Look for the assembled paper toys that come in series 1, 2, 3 and 4 in our online store. Each series includes 9 and 12 templates illustrated by various international artists, and if you have all 4 series there are 39 figurines in total to assemble, collect and play. Once you have the pieces assembled, you can play with them like Lego pieces, by assembling them together.

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