Proyecto Ensamble presenta “Mr. Rabbit” la nueva figura para el 2016

Proyecto Ensamble presents “Mr. Rabbit” the new figure for 2016

Mr Rabbit Paper Toy

Proyecto Ensamble presents “Mr. Rabbit” paper toy . We have a new companion for the "Fox" figure presented during 2015 who, like this one, complements our assembled figure. We are inspired by the animal that moves through fear silently and cunningly. Since the rabbit totem is prudence, humility, movement, life, fertility, sensitivity and mental agility, we introduce the incredible "Mr. Rabbit paper toy" for 2016.

Below you can see images of our "paper friend" and processes.

Proyecto Ensamble presents “Mr. Rabbit” the new figure for 2016

Proyecto Ensamble presents “Mr. Rabbit” the new figure for 2016

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