Las 10 últimas unidades de la serie 4, serán tu Tesoro más Preciado

The last 10 units of series 4 will be your Most Precious Treasure

The last 10 units of series 4 "The Edge" . Published with a nod to the failed end of the world in 2012. Now they are available in the website store. Just like series 1, 2 and 3, the figures in series 4 were compiled based on the assembly piece created in 2008.

We create artistic publications, with which we aim to take them out of context. We believe that through the Project Assemble series, you don't just get a set of figures to assemble. If not, you can also carry out an interactive activity, through which you can incorporate valuable information about the point of view of great artists in the world.

If you don't want to miss series 4 (which will surely not be reissued). Visit our store , Etsy or go to our distributors ( Plop gallery /Miskatonic ). Buy them and they will be your most precious treasure.

The last 10 units of series 4 will be your Most Precious Treasure

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