We are up and running 100% with our new store in Shed 6, Víctor Manuel, in Persa Bío Bío. In the Proyecto Ensamble Rabbit Hole , you can find everything you have always dreamed of and much more of our products .
The Persian Victor Manuel has existed since the Pleistocene. When the tannery finished operating in the 70s and after the closure of the public slaughterhouse, although it was mainly always related to it. Within this infrastructure, this space was developed that houses the most diverse trade in Chilean history in the world. Now, the Rabbit Hole, with our paper toys, masks and paper templates to assemble is part of all this diversity.
The Ensamble Project Rabbit Burrow is located specifically in Shed 6, called Víctor Manuel in the Persa Bío Bío sector. This place is part of the history of Santiago. The Persa Víctor Manuel has become a historical place where you can see the infrastructure where the old leather factories were housed, the antiques and the diversity of the people who offer products of all kinds and people who visit it.
As for Proyecto Ensamble products, this is the only place you can go to see them since their main distributors have closed their doors. You can find them in shed 6 next to the Mono González art gallery and the Sixto Bookstore.