Convocatoria Artistas Chilenos y Extranjeros 2021, para Gentleman Cat

Call for Chilean and Foreign Artists 2021, for Gentleman Cat

Call for Chilean and Foreign Artists 2021. To begin with, there are 15 works that we collect. This, as a result of the open call that we held at the end of 2020. For it, we received more than 100 registrations and selected 33 artists to participate in the Gentleman Cat template. For that we established the color palette that will characterize the series and the fusion of the concepts presented by us and the concepts used by the artists.
Finally, the selected artists are 15, and among them we can count on artists from Chile , Ecuador , Guatemala , Argentina , Brazil , Peru , Mexico , Colombia and Bolivia . An excellent lineup nurtured by a series of Latin American artists, which makes us very happy, participation is appreciated.

Since we announced the selected artists, in April 2021. We have been doing a strong campaign on our Instagram, in which we have shown the work of each of the selected artists. You can go to our IG account to take a look at everyone separately.

With the intention of showing in its entirety what the materialization of this compilation was. We made the video where the works of all the selected artists are gathered together. Along with thanking all the participants for their interest and for creating work of such good quality, to finish we leave you the video that you can see below plus the list of the selected portfolios.

Call for Chilean and Foreign Artists 2021.

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