Adelanto de la serie 4 «the edge» Proyecto Ensamble

Preview of series 4 "the edge" by Proyecto Ensamble

It's true! Now the first design that belongs to series 4 of Proyecto Ensamble “The Edge” is in circulation. The design was carried out by Carlos Alexis alias "Monsterbird" , a graphic designer who recently graduated from Los Leones University.
This is a preview so you can see the quality of the works included in series 4 of Proyecto Ensamble, which will be launched soon. This is how you prepare, and put coins in your piggy bank to acquire such a one-of-a-kind work of art.

All we have to do is wait for the launch of series 4 which will be very soon...!

In the meantime, you can get Carlos's exquisite design, which is included in the Proyecto Ensamble series 1 packs. So assemble it has been said!

Preview of series 4 "the edge" ensemble project

Preview of series 4 "the edge" ensemble project

Preview of series 4 "the edge" ensemble project

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